Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Dr., Give Me The News

While I do not have a bad case of loving you, I am coming down with whatever is going around right now.  But I will not go quietly into that dark night, oh no.  I will fight it off until I am too weak to do so anymore.  Why is it that when your husband is sick, he stays home from work, lays in bed and wants you to bring him juice and soup while also keeping the kids quiet, but when you are sick he goes off to school or work or whatever, leaving you to take care of the kids and the house without so much as a backward glance or even a sip of orange juice to be had?  So it was that this evening I found myself dragging four children through the grocery store during the after-work rush hour, in search of a bottle of the good stuff to get me through the night.  Then we made the soujourn home in time for me to cook dinner for the crowd between running to the bathroom to blow my nose and doing laundry so that there are clothes to wear tomorrow.  Children fed, here I am, laying on my bed taking shots of the acquired o.j., waiting until bedtime when I can down some Nyquil and blissfully pass out until tomorrow.      


Ruth said...

Amen to that! So sorry you're sick! You have my sympathy! Get Well Soon!

erin said...

Sorry you are sick. I totally agree w/ your sentiments. I also know that is why, when I have a cold, it lasts a month, whereas when my hubby has one, it lasts 3 days. Wish I lived close so I could help you- I would call Meridee and tell her to bring you one of her awesome homemade dinners and then I'd bring brownies! ha ha